What Is Coaching?

Coaching creates a space where people can dream big, envision what kind of life they most want and who they most want to be, and then supports them in making those dreams a reality. The work is action based, with the coach helping guide a client toward real steps that they will take in order to facilitate change. 

Coaching can be especially useful for helping gain insight and answers to questions like the following:

  • Am I where I want to be?
  • Am I doing what gives me the most satisfaction?
  • How can I be more in control of my time?
  • What do I want more of in my life?

From looking deeply into those types of questions, you are naturally brought to a place of increased clarity around who you want to be and what you want to do. If finding that type of clarity is something that you are striving for then coaching is for you. It is a bridge between dream and action, and it works.

Is Coaching Right for Me?

A person generally comes to coaching because there is some area in their life, often multiple areas, that they want to change or take action on. These areas of focus could be related to anything - health, family, work, self-care, romance, art, personal growth - there are no set criteria. If it's a part of your life and you want to work on it, it's perfect material for coaching. You do not have to be in the midst of a crisis or major life change in order to benefit from coaching, although in those situations coaching of course is quite powerful.

FREE inquiry & sample session

In order to help you make the best decision about working with Inner Bridge Coaching, you can set up a free 60-minute phone call with me. This call can be used to answer any questions that you may have about coaching, and also is a great way to ensure that there is a positive connection prior to starting a coaching relationship. We'll spend about 15 minutes talking about your goals for coaching, followed by about 30 minutes of "sample" coaching so that you can get a feel for what coaching is like, and then have a bit more time to discuss any questions.

What to Expect

Coaching begins with the establishment of a partnership between coach and client. That partnership is then centered around helping the client facilitate positive changes, make difficult decisions, and build new behaviors into their daily lives that will bring them closer to living the life that they dream about. The coaching process dances between exploration and action, and each of the two is equally vital. You have to know what you want in order to determine how to achieve it. Coaching holds those two elements together and draws clear connections that translate effectively into your day to day experience.

Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions generally consist of an exploration of one, occasionally two, primary topics. The topic may change from session to session, or it may be one that requires a lot of ongoing work. We will explore your primary topics with questions, varying perspectives, and honest reflection. There might be times when we play with either incorporating the physical landscape or enacting other creative processes to help access new ways of thinking about your life. In coaching, a key aim is to get to the center of what may be causing a challenge for you and different approaches work for different people. It's a kind of dance that we craft together based on what ignites you. Sessions can sometimes bring out emotions you may not expect, and when that happens we will take the time needed to explore those emotions and what is behind them. All of this is done in the service of bringing you closer to your ideal state of being and living.

Results of Coaching

What comes from coaching is in large part dependent on you and what you invest in the process. You can expect your coach to be wholly committed to the process and to do and say things only in the service of furthering your goals, yet the investment of the coach only lays the foundation for the commitment of the client. If you, as a client, are active in the process both during and (more importantly) between coaching sessions, you can expect to achieve increased clarity around who you are and to discover real, tangible steps you can take in order to achieve your desired state of living.